martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

Some Photos!

Hand washing! The kids are experts at blowing bubbles...
Saul, 5 years old, loves Justin Bieber!

Roger, Saul y Luis blowing bubbles.

Brian awarding the prizes for the art competition. I have included this picture to show what the school looks like!

The winners of the painting competition - Kevin, Saul and Brigid - with Brian and I. They each won a pair of shoes - the kids here all wear flip flops, even though it is winter. Some of the shoes are held together with pieces of wire, so new shoes are an important prize!
Roger and Jacqueline - brother and sister. Jacqueline is very naughty, but very cute, as is Roger. Each day they walk us to the bus stop, and wait with us until our bus comes!

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